Time Constraints
- Final deadlines
- Interim deadlines (project often built backwards from this)
- Availability of people
- Availability of equipment
- Days/hours that people can work
- Relying on volunteers
- Holiday/seasonal issues
- Childcare
- Weather
- Budget
- Deadlines
- Limited time to use locations
- Skills
- Number of people
- Experience of your personnel
- Audit of knowledge
- Some may need to be provided with training (eg. sound technician)
ReplyDeleteI really like your design - it's very dynamic! However, to improve I would like you to offer some explanation of how each each of your points makes things more challenging in the media industries e.g. how are skills a personnel constraint or how is availability of people a time constraint. Please add an explanation for each point below your infographic.
Please add a comment below reflecting on my comments and explaining any changes you have made.
Mr P