Friday, October 5, 2018



(An introduction to film budgeting youtube video)

creative tool to help you make your movie
talk to director to know what they want
before budget know story and script
know how many wardrobe changes you have
find out how much everything costs
make phone calls, negotiate 
flow of money
don't forget about anything that costs money eg. food, sound, light etc.
see if you can figure out a way to do expensive scenes cheaper
think of every possible outcome when taking a shot especially in an action scene when you only have one take
compromise and balance


what is the film called? 
what was the kickstarter project for? 
Raising $15,000 for attorneys fees, professional sound mixing, professional colour correction, travel and lodging, film festivals, submission fees
how long did they spend developing the concept?
3 weeks
how many days do the most successful campaigns run for?
30 days typically 
what figure did they decide on?
15,000 dollars
how did they promote the project?
Through a pitch video and posting it on as many social media outlets as possible. Private message as many people as possible to help promote it. Facebook groups, forums. Find a group based on the theme on what your film is going to be about. Link anything previously you have created to prove your skill. Easier when you have a big following.
what is the pyramid marketing structure?
90% lurkers (passive majority). 9% who like and share it (intermittent contributors) 1% creators who will actually contribute and support the campaign (heavy contributors). 

Enemy of man...

How much money were they asking for?
How much did they get? 
How many backers were there?
Who is the director and why is this important?
The director is a well-known actor Vincent Regan, who has a history of directing and acting in London. Helped bring attention and exposure towards the film.
How else is the project being funded?
The proof of concept trailer and short film were made with their own money, favours and a lot of elbow grease.
What was the funding for?
Why do you think this was successful in gaining funding?
It had big actors bringing fame and popularity which would encourage people. They had a big fan base and a large amount of followers, making people hope it was successful. Director speaking to you in the concept trailer intimately. It involved all the cast and showed off his camera and editing skills and ability.
What has happened since it was funded?

1 comment:

  1. Marni

    Your summary at the beginning on budgetary needs is fine, although perhaps a little bit too note-like (but you do cover all key info).

    However, for the work on the two crowdfunded projects, your answers are too brief. For each questions please answer in a full sentence, with some explanation behind your research.For example, for questions 1-3 on Enemy of Man, consider why the figures may be that way and the challenges they may have gone through to get there. Please answer each question in that style - although where you have answered in full sentences no improvements are required. Also, you could perhaps add some research into how Kickstarter actually operates.

    Please add a comment below reflecting on my comments and explaining any changes you have made.

    Mr P
