Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Ideas Paperwork

Ideas Paperwork
very first stage of planning, typically 4 dependent on 3, 3 dependent on 2, 2 dependent on 1

description: could be a written document or a presentation. kept as concise as possible. 
purpose and medium: used to sell the idea to a client/boss. the initial idea for a project not particularly developed. designed for all types of media. often presented as a pitch. 
key advice: be concise, use non-technical language (for clarity)
usually includes:

  • target audience
  • content ideas
  • resource requirements
  • costs outline 
  • timescale outline
for all of these you must have ideas for it and explain how it would link to the brief.
Project outlines
description: initial document given to the members of the production team. includes enough detail so the team has an idea of what they're making.
purpose and medium: to give the production team a really basic idea of what they're making. used for all types of media. used as a basis for all other pre-production documents by the production team.
key advice: should be a one page document with information full with detail (no wasted words). would be more technical in its use of language. a project outline would include:
  • details of narrative/content
  • resources requirements
  • budget limitations
  • timeline of production
description: contains a lot more detail than the project outline/proposal. exact
structure depends on medium.
purpose and medium: has two specific audiences:
  • production team use it as a reference point. vital in large productions as communication might be hard - makes sure they don't go off track. Also basis for all other detailed pre-production documents.
  • client/boss/investor to get a much better idea of what the finished project will be
used in all media.
key advice: more detail on all the elements you've already covered in prior documents (project outline/proposal criteria)

SWOT Analysis
description: a table to show strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. shows what a production is at currently and where it could end up
purpose and medium: produced early inn pre-production to assess what ideas are viable and what limitations the project might face in terms of resources and personnel. May also be pre-produced on a specific issue e.g. a location or casting a role.
key advice: be honest and have an open mind, include detail, get other opinions. 

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