Monday, December 3, 2018


Unit 2 – Pre-production and planning skills LO1 test (Done with Sam & Ben w/ mark scheme)

  1. Identify two costs that you may need to consider when developing a new phone app and explain how these costs impact on the projects.
  2.     When making a phone app, there are a number of important factors that have to be considered, including costs. One of these costs is advertising. This is a very important cost to consider; reason being is that if one creates an app and puts a lot of money and effort into it however has no money left for advertising then it is a whole lot more difficult to get the app popular. Therefore considering advertising before other costs is important to make sure the app is purchased and used. A second cost is hiring a programmer to design the app and make it as perfect as it can be. Unless the person creating the app is already very knowledgeable with tech and programming then this will be a cost that would have to be made in order for the app to flourish. Hiring a programmer would affect the overall project as there would be less money to use for other areas.

  3. ·        Human Rights Act 1998 – impact relates to the stories they are able to write – is a story in the public interest?

  •    Data Protection Act 1998 – when reporting on stories, journalists must not contain so many details in the article that the person can be found.

  •      Copyright Act - 
This would protect the newspapers name from copyright.

         When working for a media company, 9 times out of 10 you will have to sign an Intellectual Property Rights form. This is required because if you are working for a media company and came up with a brilliant photograph, song or any type of media then without signing the form you could just run away with your work and the company you’re working for will have no rights for it at all. This is why media companies make you sign this form so you are legally entitled to give any work you produce to the company.
        Must not confuse income (sponsorship, grants, backers) with revenue (money made by a business)
          One type of revenue stream that could be used is advertising on the website. The majority of websites that receive many visits have adverts on the boarders or bottom of the page to make that website profitable. This is an effective method as the advertiser is paying you for the site visits as people who view the website are seeing the adverts. Some advertisement companies only pay for the amount of clicks on the advert. On a popular website, many people click on the adverts by accident which still brings money in as well as the people who see the advert and actually look into it.

1 comment:

  1. You have used the mark scheme and your original paper well together to create well structured answers. The content and responses here are of a very high standard.
    Question 4 specifically is very strong.

    I'm very impressed with your work ethic Marni!

    Miss C
